Vintage 2022

This 2022 vintage marks 10 years since we converted to organic viticulture.

The winter was very mild, with very little rainfall for the first three months. Spring promised to be fine, with mild temperatures and generous rainfall. May was marked by very hot weather, and the vintage was likely to be an early one. In June, flowering went well, but the hot summer meant that we had to protect the bunches as much as possible from the sun, in particular by braiding the upper branches to provide shade. Some rain in August helped, but veraison was a little late, so the vintage was not as early as we had expected.

The cooler month of September gave us a good progressive ripening. Despite the drought, the vintage has kept its freshness, with expressive aromas.

Our Pinots Noirs and Pinots Gris are of exceptional quality.

Racine numero 2


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